RENIM PROJECT IS MADE WITH 100% local organic materials from thailand.
The decision to use organically grown and harvested cotton is self-evident. If there is a method to make the land where the cotton is grown and harvested stronger and more sustainable, but also make our product more sustainable, there is no other option. We keep striving towards presenting an entire collection made from organic cotton and other materials.
All of them is 100% local organic materials from Thailand and we are so proud of. The materials, not only cotton but other mixing fabrics, are all organically and originally from Thailand. More than materials is the techniques we carefully experiment neatly every single process, started with the idea of making reused product all along to local production process in provinces in Thailand.
The process of dyeing yarns, fabrics and jeans naturally takes at least 3 months with everyday monitoring carefully. Shades of blue depends on time and raw materials originally harvested by hands of real local workers.