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' SAN-PAD ' exclusive designs winning 2 DEmark Award 2019

“SAN PAD Collection” from RENIM PROJECT is inspired by a local traditional Thai hand fan which has been creating and developing for decades by the local people’s knowledge. They use the hand fan in the kitchen to cook with a stove or oven to use it as a fan to release the heat of the body. RENIM PROJECT brings the valuable traditional Thai hand fan technique to create several sizes of the bag together with 3-4 vintage denim.

Remake the pieces of denim into lines with sewing technique to make them stronger, mixed with 3 vintage color t-shirts in sort of a strong line as well. From all the storing lines of these fabrics, we weave them together to be the same as the traditional Thai hand fan. Inside the bag, we use the real vintage jeans to be a lining also put some waste of leather from the factory into some design of the bags. Designing and creating these bags from

RENIM PROJECT is to encourage people to value the leftovers or waste and add value also decrease waste as well.

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